themamabeth's Blog

Figuring it out, one crazy day at a time.

Settled May 31, 2011

Filed under: A Better Me — themamabeth @ 9:02 am

For the most part, we are settled. There are a few odds and ends that still need to be done, but there are no more boxes piled up in corners.

Now, the real work starts. All of the things I was putting off because of the impending move have to go onto the to-do list.

This week:

-start compost heap

-figure out a “curriculum” for Adeline

-work on training dogs

-take pictures!


We’ve been really struggling with bedtime, to the point where I actually dread it. I so badly just want to give in and let her fall asleep on the couch, but I learned my lesson from that last time. I know the routine has kind of gotten out of whack, and I imagine that is the root of most of our problems. She’s fighting naps too, so I’m wondering if that’s contributing.


Okay, I started this draft 10 days ago. Since then ,we decided to nix the compost heap. Since we don’t have a yard, only dirt, we don’t have what we need to create compost. So, boo. But Jake is happy he doesn’t want to do compost. I still hate how much we are throwing away, but meh.

I haven’t done anything but kind of brainstorm ideas for things to do with Adeline. We’re still not on a consistent schedule/routine, and it is making it hard. I have some fun ideas though, I just need to act on them.

As far as the dogs…I started reading a dog training book, does that count?

More pictures are being taken, but not as many as I’d like. I’m still trying to find a good tutorial site.


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